Community languages

These poignant digital stories depict both the love each carer has for their loved on living with dementia as well as the emotional cost.

The aims of appearing on film, expressed by the carers featured in this series, is to help their communities to achieve a greater understanding of dementia, remove stigma and blame and to generate acceptance of dementia as a medical illness.

 English subtitles.

It's not a's dementia is a short film to raise awareness, reduce stigma and dispel myths about dementia within the Italian speaking community.

The film features carers of people living with dementia giving personal accounts, in their own language, of their experience, along with health professionals who talk about the condition and stress the importance of seeking help early.

This film has been produced by Dementia Australia NSW, with thanks to the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA) and Family and Community Services. It was produced in partnership with Why Documentaries and the Multicultural Communities Council of the Illawarra.