SA Water Archives - Water Research Australia National leader in water solutions through collaboration and high impact research Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:46:26 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 SA Water Archives - Water Research Australia 32 32 PhD Candidate wins SA Student Water Prize Mon, 21 Nov 2022 04:42:24 +0000 Water Research Australia PhD Candidate Sarah Aucote has been awarded the Student Water Prize at the AWA’s SA Gala Dinner & Awards Night. A collaboration between WaterRA, SA Water and the … PhD Candidate wins SA Student Water Prize">Continue reading PhD Candidate wins SA Student Water Prize

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Water Research Australia PhD Candidate Sarah Aucote has been awarded the Student Water Prize at the AWA’s SA Gala Dinner & Awards Night.

A collaboration between WaterRA, SA Water and the University of Queensland, Sarah’s project is titled Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Sludge-Drying Lagoons and Strategies for Methane Emission Mitigation.

Sarah completed a Bachelor of Science specialising in Biotechnology at Flinders University. Her Honours research with SA Water on the microbial risk assessment of source water prompted her interest in the microbiology of water science, and lead to her industry-based PhD on wastewater GHG emissions.

Congratulations Sarah!

Sarah (right) with WaterRA’s Research Capability Manager Carolyn Bellamy.


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Student celebrates success with publication of paper Wed, 20 Jul 2022 05:15:59 +0000 Water Research Australia PhD candidate Sharif Hossain has had his second research paper published. ‘Development and Comparison of Water Quality Network Model and Data Analytics Model for Monochloramine Decay Prediction’ … Student celebrates success with publication of paper">Continue reading Student celebrates success with publication of paper

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Water Research Australia PhD candidate Sharif Hossain has had his second research paper published.

‘Development and Comparison of Water Quality Network Model and Data Analytics Model for Monochloramine Decay Prediction’ was published in Volume 14 of the Water 2022 Journal.

Undertaking his PhD at the University of South Australia, Sharif is working with SA Water to develop a management tool to assist water operators with chloramination.

A WaterRA BIG Team congratulations to Sharif!

Header image: Sharif Hossain

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ColoSSoS work continues in Fiji Tue, 19 Apr 2022 05:58:51 +0000 Following on from the successes of the Mekong node of the ColoSSoS program, WaterRA entered into another project with the Australian Water Association to provide knowledge transfer and capacity building … ColoSSoS work continues in Fiji">Continue reading ColoSSoS work continues in Fiji

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Following on from the successes of the Mekong node of the ColoSSoS program, WaterRA entered into another project with the Australian Water Association to provide knowledge transfer and capacity building services to the Water Authority of Fiji.

The techniques developed in Australia have now been trialed in both low prevalence case settings as well as during the height of the Australian outbreaks and can be confidently adapted and applied in these scenarios in Suva, Fiji.

The project has been structured in a similar way to ColoSSoS Mekong, with SA Water providing both utility and laboratory expertise to developed tailored sampling and analysis protocols. Australian health departments will also be engaged in a formal capacity to provide tailored advice to Fijian counterparts.

The international work to date has seen the application of SARS-CoV-2 detection and analysis practices outside of Australia in the Mekong region, through the sharing of tools, protocols, and best practice skills, and knowledge. These wastewater monitoring techniques will remain relevant if new strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus emerge globally, and current global and Australian research efforts focus on the identification of new strains in the community and ports of entry, as well as the quantification of proportions of these variants within community populations. Its use in Fiji will provide the heath agency with valuable information to make critical decisions to protect the community.

To date, Project Delivery Group have established working relationships between Australian and Fijian laboratory and utility partners. Health agency connections are currently also being established, and work is underway to specify laboratory equipment and consumables, some of which will be shipped to Fiji by the project team. Furthermore, tailored guidelines and protocols are being written for use by Fijian counterparts and first drafts of these are expected to be completed by the end of April 2022.

WaterRA’s continued involvement in these projects has provided our Australian Members an opportunity to elevate their international profile through DFAT-funded collaborations under the umbrella of the Australian Water Partnership. Furthermore, this sharing of Australian knowledge and skills supports Australia’s regional response to the ever-evolving Covid-19 situation, providing tools and strategies to help protect communities both in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.


Images courtesy Water Authority of Fiji

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WaterRA Board welcomes Dr Daniel Hoefel Thu, 17 Feb 2022 02:31:52 +0000 Water Research Australia is pleased to announce that Dr Daniel Hoefel has filled the casual vacancy on the WaterRA Board that occurred when Anna Jackson stepped down as a Director … WaterRA Board welcomes Dr Daniel Hoefel">Continue reading WaterRA Board welcomes Dr Daniel Hoefel

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Water Research Australia is pleased to announce that Dr Daniel Hoefel has filled the casual vacancy on the WaterRA Board that occurred when Anna Jackson stepped down as a Director earlier this year.

Anna was nominated to the Board by the Australian Water Quality Centre (SA Water Corporation) and during her time as a Director achieved a significant and positive impact for WaterRA’s future.

“Anna’s contribution to WaterRA’s success over the past year has been invaluable,” WaterRA CEO Karen Rouse said. “We wish her the very best for the future and look forward to working with Daniel.”

Daniel is Senior Manager of Water Expertise & Research at SA Water. With over 20 years’ experience in the water industry, Daniel brings to the Board experience in leading water research and innovation, development and implementation of water related strategies, water utility operations, governance and risk management, business improvement, and expertise in customer and stakeholder management. He will serve on the Board until the AGM in October 2022.

Please join us in welcoming Daniel to the BIG Team. Nominations will be called for Board Directors later this year, ahead of our 2022 Elections.

Other news from the Board includes changes to the membership of the Strategic Advisory Committee where we now welcome Prof Stephen Gray from Victoria University as Chair; Assoc Prof Helen Stratton from Griffith University as Deputy Chair; and Steven Porter from NT Power and Water.

The Board extends its thanks to Nicola Nelson from Sydney Water for her much valued contributions to the Committee over the past few years.

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