Living With Younger Onset Dementia Program

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This program provides education and support for people recently diagnosed with younger onset dementia.

It includes information about the impact of younger onset dementia, coping with change, relationships and communication, planning for the future, strategies and support services. The program is delivered in a small group over multiple sessions.

Dementia Australia's facilitators have specialist dementia knowledge, skills and experience. This program is delivered interactively, you will be encouraged to share your experiences alongside other participants giving you an opportunity to develop new support networks.

Suitable for: People living with younger onset dementia and their family carers and family members. 

This program is intended for people who have received a recent diagnosis and are in the early to mid stages of living with younger onset dementia. This program is not suitable for people without a diagnosis, people who do not acknowledge their diagnosis of dementia, or people with cognitive symptoms which impact on ability to participate in and benefit from a group education program.

If you register to attend this program you will be contacted by Dementia Australia staff to ensure that the program will meet your needs and that you meet the eligibility requirements. You will be required to attend multiple sessions over a few weeks, and should be willing and able to participate in a workshop and interactive group environment. 

This program is not suitable for professional carers or people employed in the health or aged care industries. The resources, content and delivery will not meet the needs of professionals. To explore Dementia Australia’s range of professional development, please visit the Centre for Dementia Learning.

Find an event

Our events calendar is updated whenever new events are organised. If you don’t find something suitable today, please check back here at another time.

You can also watch our collection of education videos whenever you choose. Delivered by a range of dementia specialists, you can register to watch each video. All available videos are listed here.