Talk with Ted

Talk with Ted


Talk with Ted is an award-winning immersive experience, designed by Dementia Australia to educate care workers to better communicate with and support people living with dementia.

Talk with Ted uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to provide an online simulation of a typical communication experience between a care worker and someone living with dementia. It is a safe and effective way to practise communication skills.

Participants who have experienced Talk with Ted were able to recall their learnings up to eight weeks following the training, and say it has improved the overall quality of care they give.

“Now when I meet my clients, I do what I did with Ted, it’s the same thing. I talk in the same way, slowly and wait to see if they are understanding.”

– Participant


To find out more about Talk with Ted, visit Centre for Dementia Learning website or call 1300 DEMENTIA (1300 336 368).


Talk with Ted was the winner of the 2020 Victorian iAward in the Not-For-Profit and Community Solution of the Year category, awarded jointly to Dementia Australia and Deakin University’s Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute.